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  • Cassandra Jewel

Becoming the observer

Updated: Dec 14, 2020

I’ve become extremely more aware of the attachments I’ve had to certain •narratives• about my story & life & the •programming •& beliefs I’ve taken in & allowed to stay within me. Some unaware. Some aware.

I’ve seen what absolutely does not work for me anymore. What is this story about myself, my life, this life about? What is my actual truth? I see how hard I can be on myself, and the good I had been pushing away. I see how the self sabotaging had been harrdd.

Interesting how certain thoughts, beliefs & made up stories (that aren’t aligned with who we are and our truth) can become our normal. Then what could happen? Those thoughts, beliefs, stories can become our manifested reality and state of consciousness- If we decide to stay there...

And thennn what could happen? Sometimes we can get comfortable being miserable or in pain and then what can happen?? After time we can just simply forget who we are-How beautiful and powerful we really are!! We can forget our DIVINITY. We can forget what makes us happy. What we love to do. We can forget our worth and our beautiful purpose on this earth. Why we came here in the first place.

As humans we have let others down. And will. Even unintentionally. That’s why it’s so important to be fully connected to your DIVINITY. So no matter what happens, If it’s something you do, project or say that isn’t you, something that went against yourself or Spirit. Or if it’s something someone else says, does or projects that triggers or hurts don’t allow it to SEPERATE you from yourself because you know who YOU are. You know those negative feelings aren’t you. You know those projections aren’t you.

Reactions. Triggers. The things that set us off. The fears & trauma we have stored away that we haven’t addressed yet. What’s really underneath my reaction? My lash out? My pain? My fear? What am I really wanting to FEEL here? Knowing the things that set us off and why...That’s the work.

But still being able to see it with LOVE towards yourself. No judgement towards yourself. Or anyone else.

It’s about getting to a place of being aware of the emotions that flow through you but NOT ALLOWING IT TO SEPERATE YOU FROM YOURSELF OR YOUR DIVINE SELF.

•The one to help myself is me. God and me. The one to help yourself is you. God and you•

Observing yourself is one thing. Judging yourself is another.

No one owes you anything. You don’t owe anyone anything. No ones against you. And if there are those that aren’t aligned with you & your path then that’s so fine. Send them love and move on. You don’t need to prove yourself to anyone.

You owe it to YOURSELF however, to learn. To grow. To be true to who you are. To be better. To evolve. To move forward in love. To allow this change and continue to believe, embrace and radiate your light to others.

You owe it to yourself to be your biggest supporter and best friend. And remember, the approval that is desired is found within.

There’s always something to learn

An opportunity to grow

It’s in the moment we stop judging ourselves

Then we can recognize our Divinity

Our Oneness with self

With all


We are all connected

We live moment to moment and that’s important to remember. Every moment is special. Every moment we are creating. And in these moments we have the freedom to connect to our true selves. Our beauty.

Our power within. How beautiful. I am grateful.

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